Look over Joshua’s shoulder as he guides you through the many levels of considerations and layers of paint in the making of this award winning portrait. Painting a likeness can often be a daunting task but Joshua holds nothing back as he presents his clear and logical approach, providing crucial ideas and problem-solving tools that all skill levels will find helpful.
This video will center around the elements of form and how to achieve the illusion of three-dimensions. By better understanding the importance of form you will gain new insight into value, color, drawing and expression.
Joshua demonstrates his indirect oil painting technique, which is distinct from the alla-prima, or wet-in-wet, method in that it is done in layers and can therefore achieve wonderful and subtle effects by the use of semi-transparent veils of paint.
The 3 hours and 15 minutes of content will include:
-The preparatory drawing in graphite
-Transfer of the drawing to canvas
-Layer One: Initial underpainting considering color theory
-Layer Two: Building up the form in the second day of painting - lighter lights and darker darks.
-Layer Three: Finishing and polishing using glazes and scumbling.